Do you think that we on earth can create our own reality and if so how do we achieve this?
Always remember you are in your own reality. Remember how real this is. It is easy to slip into unreality, it is easy to think this is all a dream, but bring forward your thoughts of the realness, the wholeness and the oneness of this dimension that you inhabit at this time.
Become aware of your reality within your earth, with your reality in time and space. The moment of your reality is now, this instant, this moment, is your reality. To think forward or to think back takes away the moment, the moment which is reality.
But it is possible for you to create your own moment, I wish to use the term moment in time rather than reality for this instance. Your thoughts and energies can give you the opportunities to climb or to fall away from the existence you most crave and need.
Your minds are strong, once you learn to control them. Evidence for this is all around, others have achieved greatness through their thoughts and focus.
Others have fallen by the wayside through weakness of thought and unconcern for their moment. There are many ways to climb, and many ways to fall, know the reality of these things. To hide behind the cloak of unawareness will cause you to stand still in your abilities to create your own awareness.
You can create a world for yourself which will be in harmony with the laws of nature and the laws of oneness. These are your parameters for moving forward. Providing your ideas and your wishes, your motivations, do not conflict with these natural laws that exist for you and your well-being, the heights that you can achieve are endless. You can go forwards once the reality of the power of your thoughts becomes real.
Extend your minds forward and above your everyday experiences and think and focus on where you wish to be. Hold this image within your mind, and imagine you are already there. This imaginary existence will eventually become true and real, if, as I say, your motivations are within the parameters of your well-being and the natural law which exists.
These are good exercises for you to work with at this particular time, in this stage of your development. Do not be afraid that you will step above yourselves, do not be worried to step forward and try these things. For your teachings in the past have held you back from your full potential.
These things for us are more easy to achieve and are a reality to us. We wish you to shine your best and to give you encouragement to step forward in your thinking and understand the power within you is one thing which we wish to help you develop.
Channeled from Spirit Guide Chi by spiritual channeling.
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