We are the good, We deserve the good…..

We are the good, 
We deserve the good, 
We want the good, 
The good comes to us, 
We receive the good, 
We are thankful for the good, 
We share the good, 
And we wish every being on this earth the good.

These words were given to me by my good friend and Yoga teacher Katja, when I was overseas. She created it herself and used to say it after the Yoga lesson

We whom your world thinks of as dead….

We whom your world thinks of as ‘dead’, but who are, in fact, more alive than those who question our existence, are much closer to you than you know.

These words were spoken through entranced medium Stephen O’Brien by Spirit Guide White Owl at his first demonstration of public mediumship  in a small Spiritualist Church in Wales, UK, in the 1970’s.

If you would like to know more about spiritualism, and spiritual channeling please have a look at http://spiritualchanneling.co.uk